Mobile Physical Therapy for Runners

Mobile physical therapist treating a runner’s ankle pain

Mobile, In-home Therapy

My business is built so I can come to you. I provide mobile, one-on-one physical therapy in the comfort of your own home

Constant Communication

Text or email anytime with your questions. I will get back to you ASAP. We will communicate frequently between sessions to keep you on track!

Flexible Hours

Physical therapy during business hours doesn’t work for everyone. Morning, evening, and weekend hours are available to make sure we work around your busy schedule.

Running Specific Care

I am a runner, so I get it. Rest and ice is not the answer. I’ve seen way too many people get stuck in the injury cycle because they were told to “just take some time off”. I will devise a plan that keeps you training.

Quick appointment booking

No physician referral needed! My goal is to get you in for your first visit within 48 hours to get you back on track as soon as possible.

Reach Your Running Goals

I know what it’s like to train for a race and get hurt right when you get in a groove. In addition to physical therapy, I will provide a written training program with runs and workouts that are best suited for your recovery.

Getting Started

Book a free 15 minute discovery call to see if Rebuilt PT and Performance is the right fit for you.

If you’re ready to start and don’t need a discovery call, email or call/text at 630-426-1474 and let me know you’d like to get started.

*Due to state laws, Physical therapy is currently available to Illinois Residents only.


All physical therapy sessions are provided at a fixed rate paid by cash, credit, or by using your HSA.

I picked this model on purpose. I work for you, not your insurance company. The insurance industry has been making it harder for physical therapists to provide the care their patients need.

By going out of network, my patients no longer deal with visit limits, pre-authorization, and having their therapist juggle 3 patients at once just to make the bottom line. I have the freedom to treat your injury without insurance restrictions. We will do what’s best for your recovery.

While out of network physical therapy may seem expensive, we charge a lower rate than most of our competitors. I’ve seen bills from other clinics upwards of $550 for an initial evaluation! If you are on a high deductible plan, you’re stuck with that whole bill!

Most patients in traditional clinics have no idea what their bill will be until 4-6 weeks after treatment has been provided. With Rebuilt, you know all of your costs up front.


Initial Evaluation (75-90 mins): $225

In-Home Follow up sessions:

  • 60 mins: $150

  • 30 min virtual follow up: $70

After initial evaluation, you are entitled to a good faith estimate of the total cost of your treatment.